
6 min read

We're approaching the end of 2023, if your Android app is still written in Java, now might be the perfect time to consider migrating to Kotlin

Android development with Kotlin
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As the mobile development landscape evolves, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for ensuring the success and longevity of your Android applications. One significant shift in recent years has been the increasing adoption of Kotlin as the preferred language for Android development.

If your Android app is still written in Java, now might be the perfect time to consider migrating to Kotlin.

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of making the switch and provide a step-by-step guide to help you seamlessly transition your codebase.

Why Migrate to Kotlin?

  1. Interoperability:

    Kotlin is designed to be fully interoperable with Java, meaning you can start incorporating Kotlin code into your existing Java project without rewriting everything at once. This allows for a gradual migration, minimizing disruption to your development process.

  2. Conciseness and Readability:

    Kotlin's concise syntax reduces boilerplate code, making your codebase more readable and maintainable. Features like data classes, extension functions, and smart casts can significantly improve developer productivity, leading to cleaner and more efficient code.

  3. Null Safety:

    Kotlin addresses the notorious NullPointerException issue by introducing null safety features. With nullable and non-nullable types, developers can catch potential null pointer exceptions at compile time, enhancing the robustness of your application.

  4. Coroutines:

    Asynchronous programming in Kotlin is simplified with coroutines, providing a more straightforward way to handle concurrency compared to Java's callbacks or AsyncTask. This can lead to more efficient and responsive apps.

  5. Extension Functions:

    Kotlin introduces extension functions, enabling developers to add new functions to existing classes without modifying their source code. This promotes a more modular and scalable codebase.

Steps to Migrate:

  1. Assess Your Project:

    Before diving into the migration process, thoroughly analyze your project to identify potential challenges and dependencies. Ensure your current Java codebase is clean and well-organized, as this will ease the migration process.

  2. Set Up Kotlin in Your Project:

    Add Kotlin to your project by either using Android Studio's built-in conversion tool or manually configuring your project. Android Studio provides a straightforward conversion wizard that can automatically convert Java code to Kotlin.

  3. Convert Code Gradually:

    Adopt a gradual approach to migration by converting one class or module at a time. This helps in maintaining a stable codebase throughout the process. Focus on critical or frequently updated modules first to quickly benefit from Kotlin's advantages.

    Let's consider a simple example of migrating a Java class to Kotlin. Suppose you have a Java class called Customer:

    Now, let's convert this class to Kotlin.

    In this example, we've used several Kotlin features:

    1. Data Classes:

      Kotlin's data class eliminates the need for boilerplate code by automatically generating toString(), equals(), hashCode(), and copy() methods based on the class properties.

    2. Property Declaration:

      In Kotlin, properties can be declared directly in the class header, reducing the need for explicit getters and setters.

    3. String Interpolation:

      Kotlin allows you to directly embed variables and expressions in strings using string interpolation, making the code more concise.

    This migration simplifies the Customer class, making it more readable and maintaining the same functionality. Note that this is a straightforward example, and in a real-world scenario, you would gradually migrate more complex classes and take advantage of additional Kotlin features to improve your codebase.

  4. Address Compatibility Issues:

    While Kotlin is designed to be interoperable with Java, there might be some compatibility issues to address. Update third-party libraries, plugins, and dependencies to their Kotlin-compatible versions. Ensure that all APIs used in your project are compatible with Kotlin.

  5. Utilize Kotlin Features:

    As you migrate, take advantage of Kotlin's features to enhance your code. Convert existing Java patterns into Kotlin idioms, such as replacing JavaBeans with data classes or using extension functions to add functionality to existing classes.

  6. Test Rigorously:

    Thoroughly test your application after each migration step to catch any issues that may arise. Automated tests and comprehensive test coverage will be invaluable in ensuring the stability of your app during the migration process.

  7. Train Your Team:

    If your development team is not yet familiar with Kotlin, provide training sessions to help them grasp the language's features and best practices. Kotlin's expressive syntax and concise constructs can lead to increased developer productivity.


Migrating your Android app from Java to Kotlin is not just a technical upgrade; it's an investment in the future of your application.

By embracing Kotlin, you unlock a wealth of modern language features that can improve code quality, developer efficiency, and overall app performance. With a strategic migration plan in place, you can smoothly transition your codebase while reaping the benefits of Kotlin's expressive and concise syntax.

As your app evolves, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies is key, and Kotlin provides a powerful toolset to help you achieve just that.

Happy coding!