A placeholder text serves as a dynamic placeholder for values derived from other data sources.

For instance, when you use the placeholder "[SITE_URL]", it will automatically be replaced with the URL "https://www.mysite.com" retrieved from the global Joomla! configuration's "site URL" field."

Where is it used?

Placeholders play a crucial role in the form submission process. They come into play when creating email layouts to be sent to administrators or users. Additionally, certain element types utilize placeholders, including their unique placeholders, to facilitate dynamic default values, like dates or times.

Global placeholder

This are the lists of available global placeholders

Placeholder Description Example
[GLOBAL_FROM_EMAIL] Value derived from Joomla! Global Configuration > Server > Mail > From Email
[GLOBAL_FROM_EMAIL_NAME] Value derived from Joomla! Global Configuration > Server > Mail > From Name
[GLOBAL_TO_EMAIL] Value derived from Joomla! Global Configuration > Server > Mail > Reply To Email
[GLOBAL_TO_EMAIL_NAME] Value derived from Joomla! Global Configuration > Server > Mail > Reply To Name
[GLOBAL_SITE_NAME] Value derived from Joomla! Global Configuration > Site > Site Name
[ROOT_PATH] The path to your Joomla! root files
[SITE_URL] The site URL
[SUBMISSION_URL] The URL from which the form is submitted by the user

Elements placeholder

The placeholders for elements are automatically generated once an element has been placed within the form layout. The naming of these strings is derived from the element's alias.

Example of elements placeholder

To be updated

Date and time placeholder

To be updated
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